Very much enjoying working on the latest custom made tile commission featuring beautiful Lapwings !
And here are the sketches to decide the glaze colours , tile designs & making sure it all works together .
Lapwings have a special meaning for the customer & she has requested 2 single picture tiles on 20x20cm tiles and a 6 tile mural featuring 3 Lapwings .
All the tiles are hand decorated in our UK tile studio using our unique Persian glazes – the feathers will be painted with glossy & rich colours that reflect the Lapwings beautiful plumage .
Glaze colours will include deep Bottle Greens, vibrant Acid greens & shimmering Ultramarine – all set off against a dramatic black & cream .
The water the birds are standing in will be the best selling Jade glaze with pools of Turquoise.
The tile mural will be fixed to a board , framed & hung up like a painting which means if they ever move house , it can be taken with them 

The tiles are currently in the kiln so keep an eye out for the finished tiles soon !