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Individual art bird tiles look great as any kitchen or bathroom tile splashback !
Our latest bespoke tile commission which included a nest of baby birds , also included these single bird tile designs .
These were all specially created for an Australian customer – all based on her beautiful native birds 🐦🐦🐦
They are to be set in the wall of her new kitchen backsplash individually like little tile paintings …
The customer sent us some photos of her favourite birds , we then created some sketches of the tile design & different glaze colours for her to approve.
Finally , we carefully  hand painted her Bird tiles using our unique Persian glazes – layering them to create feathers catching the light .
Each bird is designed to have it’s own personality & deliberately off set on the tile to create energy to the tile design.
Remember – we always happy to provide advice & help if you fancy some custom made tiles made just for you 🙂